Initiate Global Goals Team, 2015 (part-time volunteer)
Initiate a program and recruit others to make presentations on the 2015-2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The team consists of myself; a physician from Cameroon who is Assistant Director of Public Health in Baltimore; a former Senior Regional Environmental Policy Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Africa; a former Director of Church and Community Ministries, Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, rostered as deacon; former pastor, Director of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in WI, Washington Associate of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; Executive Director of Hartford 2000 (now, Hartford NEXT), President of the National Committee for the Rights of the Child. Based in metropolitan Washington, DC; we make presentations and help congregations, colleges, seminaries, and other social groups connect with and becoming more responsive to the goals.
Interim Pastor
Hope Lutheran Church, College Park, MD, 2014-2015
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, Montgomery Village, MD, 2011-2012
Associate Faculty, The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, 2006-2010. Teach the UN 2015 Millennium Development Goals to Ford Motor Company Global Scholars from Russia, Brazil, Vietnam, India, South Africa, India, United States; also teach a course on Public Policies and Empowerment Strategies.
Sociology Faculty, LCC International University (formerly Lithuania Christian College), Klaipeda, Lithuania, 2007, 2009. Introduction to Sociology, Conflict Resolution, UN Sustainable Development Goals taught under a Social Problems course listing.
Adjunct faculty: McCormick Theological Seminary, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Susquehanna University. Supervise Doctor of Ministry Candidates and teach courses.
Preaching-interims at First Jefferson Unitarian Church, Fort Worth, Texas and a newly
forming ELCA congregation in West Texas.
Director of Special Programs, Bread for the World Institute 2001-2005.
--Supervise implementation of a UN Foundation grant for public education for more than1,500 people on the Millennium Development Goals, held at Seattle University (WA), North Park University and Seminary in Chicago (IL), Boston Theological Institute with
the Episcopal Divinity School (MA), and Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena (CA).
--Create two Christian and Jewish versions of Hunger No More, sponsored by mainline and
evangelical Protestant denominations, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, with cooperation by the Islamic Society of North America.
--Initiate and lead a program of education on the Arts of Public Engagement for Protestant and Roman Catholic theological seminaries and institutes in the United States.
--Co-found and serve on the executive committee of the international More and Better Agricultural, Rural Development and Food Aid Campaign to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty.
Director, Bread for the World Institute, 1991-2001.
--Facilitate the addition of a three-year Americorps*/VISTA program to the Institute.
--Supervise the development, production, writing, editing and policy stance of more than 25 books, monographs, study guides, newsletters, background papers and fact sheets.
--Oversee a Ford Foundation funded Debt & Development Project ($1 m.) which strengthens developing nation nongovernmental organizations (Zambia, Nicaragua) capacities to respond to the emerging global economy and monitor activities of The World Bank.
--Strategist with BFW’s president, in conceiving, funding ($1.25m.); manage hiring, implementation, and evaluation of the Transforming Anti-Hunger Leadership (TAHL) program – 25 U.S. local and/or state projects emphasizing leadership development and diversity in anti-hunger activities.
--Supervise a research and education project with farmers organizations in Malawi and Mozambique as part of a Food Security in the Twenty First Century ($1.4m. to BFWI) Ford Foundation project, in partnership with faculty from the University of Minnesota and the International Food Policy Research Institute.
--Develop the Low-Income Project which studied best practices in low-income voting in the United States, funded by American Baptist Church World Service.
--Manage numerous relationships with collegial organizations, e.g. NGOs, denominations, and UN agencies; work with the CEO and Director of Development to increase hunger report sponsors from 11 to 47, a few thousand dollars to $250,000 annually.
Senior Research Associate, Bread for the World Institute, 1989-1991
Regional Organizer, Bread for the World, in TX, LA, OK, OR, WA, ID, MD 1988-1989.
Associate Professor of Church in Society (tenured), Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, 1970-1988.
Director/Chaplain, Chicago International Seamen’s Center, 1967-1969, sponsored by Lutheran Social Services of Illinois.
Founding Pastor, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Brunswick, Maine, 1962-1965.
Ordained, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 1962-present.
Initiate a program and recruit others to make presentations on the 2015-2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The team consists of myself; a physician from Cameroon who is Assistant Director of Public Health in Baltimore; a former Senior Regional Environmental Policy Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Africa; a former Director of Church and Community Ministries, Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, rostered as deacon; former pastor, Director of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in WI, Washington Associate of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; Executive Director of Hartford 2000 (now, Hartford NEXT), President of the National Committee for the Rights of the Child. Based in metropolitan Washington, DC; we make presentations and help congregations, colleges, seminaries, and other social groups connect with and becoming more responsive to the goals.
Interim Pastor
Hope Lutheran Church, College Park, MD, 2014-2015
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, Montgomery Village, MD, 2011-2012
Associate Faculty, The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, 2006-2010. Teach the UN 2015 Millennium Development Goals to Ford Motor Company Global Scholars from Russia, Brazil, Vietnam, India, South Africa, India, United States; also teach a course on Public Policies and Empowerment Strategies.
Sociology Faculty, LCC International University (formerly Lithuania Christian College), Klaipeda, Lithuania, 2007, 2009. Introduction to Sociology, Conflict Resolution, UN Sustainable Development Goals taught under a Social Problems course listing.
Adjunct faculty: McCormick Theological Seminary, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Susquehanna University. Supervise Doctor of Ministry Candidates and teach courses.
Preaching-interims at First Jefferson Unitarian Church, Fort Worth, Texas and a newly
forming ELCA congregation in West Texas.
Director of Special Programs, Bread for the World Institute 2001-2005.
--Supervise implementation of a UN Foundation grant for public education for more than1,500 people on the Millennium Development Goals, held at Seattle University (WA), North Park University and Seminary in Chicago (IL), Boston Theological Institute with
the Episcopal Divinity School (MA), and Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena (CA).
--Create two Christian and Jewish versions of Hunger No More, sponsored by mainline and
evangelical Protestant denominations, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, with cooperation by the Islamic Society of North America.
--Initiate and lead a program of education on the Arts of Public Engagement for Protestant and Roman Catholic theological seminaries and institutes in the United States.
--Co-found and serve on the executive committee of the international More and Better Agricultural, Rural Development and Food Aid Campaign to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty.
Director, Bread for the World Institute, 1991-2001.
--Facilitate the addition of a three-year Americorps*/VISTA program to the Institute.
--Supervise the development, production, writing, editing and policy stance of more than 25 books, monographs, study guides, newsletters, background papers and fact sheets.
--Oversee a Ford Foundation funded Debt & Development Project ($1 m.) which strengthens developing nation nongovernmental organizations (Zambia, Nicaragua) capacities to respond to the emerging global economy and monitor activities of The World Bank.
--Strategist with BFW’s president, in conceiving, funding ($1.25m.); manage hiring, implementation, and evaluation of the Transforming Anti-Hunger Leadership (TAHL) program – 25 U.S. local and/or state projects emphasizing leadership development and diversity in anti-hunger activities.
--Supervise a research and education project with farmers organizations in Malawi and Mozambique as part of a Food Security in the Twenty First Century ($1.4m. to BFWI) Ford Foundation project, in partnership with faculty from the University of Minnesota and the International Food Policy Research Institute.
--Develop the Low-Income Project which studied best practices in low-income voting in the United States, funded by American Baptist Church World Service.
--Manage numerous relationships with collegial organizations, e.g. NGOs, denominations, and UN agencies; work with the CEO and Director of Development to increase hunger report sponsors from 11 to 47, a few thousand dollars to $250,000 annually.
Senior Research Associate, Bread for the World Institute, 1989-1991
Regional Organizer, Bread for the World, in TX, LA, OK, OR, WA, ID, MD 1988-1989.
Associate Professor of Church in Society (tenured), Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, 1970-1988.
Director/Chaplain, Chicago International Seamen’s Center, 1967-1969, sponsored by Lutheran Social Services of Illinois.
Founding Pastor, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Brunswick, Maine, 1962-1965.
Ordained, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 1962-present.